status correction

If your identification documents has your race as American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, or White, then pursuant to the Office of Management and Budget; the Executive level government of the United States: you are not scientific, your identity is unanthropological, and you are not inContinue Reading

land air water bureau

Are you in the land jurisdiction, the air jurisdiction, or the water jurisdiction? Our research shows most people reading these words, are under the WATER jurisdiction. Guess what? That is a fatal position & provides to be the source of your suffering! Need private law remedies?Continue Reading

land air water bureau

This video is a thought-provoking journey to the center of your mind to explore the evidence gathered regarding the most important issue ever! What is the source of your suffering? Ready to claim the name on the record correctly?Continue Reading

In this video, Land Air Water Bureau breaks down the mandatory 2 oaths that are required of every U.S. judge. One for the Public, or corporate legal fictions, and another for the Private or natural persons with inalienable human rights. Which are you? Join 100+ others & ascend your Status.Continue Reading